Monday, November 29, 2010

DermCare抗敏舒缓精华 Phyto Soothing Gel

DermCare Phyto Soothing Gel

Notification No: NOT100900462K

* 能有效地舒缓及保湿,使用天然芦荟和植物提取物制成。特别针对敏感肤质,能达到舒缓,镇静,消炎及消肿。

* All skin type, this is an effective soothing, moisturizing and skin conditioning gel made from natural aloe vera and botanical extracts.
   Function : Perfect for sensitive complexion, attenuates diffuse redness
                   Normalize the suppleness of skin, calms irritation and inflammation

DermCare紫外天然保湿粉底 UV Protectorf SPf 30PA+++

DermCare UV Protectorf SPf 30PA+++

* 质地轻柔,适合任何性质皮肤,保护力极佳,能防水份流失,含有持续完美遮瑕功能。

* 全面隔离UVA和UVB及外界有害物质的伤害,促进肌肤表面保护膜的形成,以防止晒伤和晒黑兼具补湿滋润效能。

* Soft and silky cream which will gives you a natural skin finish and cover up all the uneven skin colour. While protect you from UVA and UVB ray.

DermCare White Perfect Enhancer 20g

1.      含德國默克藥廠專利亮白配方Lumiskin™避免黑色素合成、紫外線引發的膚色增深,抑制方式控制已活化的酪胺酸酵素比起傳統的亮白成分,效率快很多。
2.      採用高效抗氧化劑-硫辛酸, 其特殊水溶與脂溶性既溶於水又溶於油的特性在體內可以通行到細胞的任何部位甚至進入細胞之空隙可補強維他命CE的抗氧化力並加上葡萄籽萃取形成抗自由基防護網.
3.      高穩定性酯化C:高抗氧化性, 具明亮膚色淡化暗沉.

Contains patented lightening agent Lumiskin™ effectively lightens scars, freckles and uneven skin tone, resulting fairer and smoother skin, helps to fade dark patches from sunburn,scar,residue,acne and aged skin giving a smoother and uniform skin tone.

主要成分 & 功效说明:
  1. 專利亮白成分- Lumiskin™:降低黑色素生成亮白肌膚
  2. 硫辛酸 Alpha-Lipoic acid: 去除活性氧, 淡化暗沉抗老化降低紫外線對肌膚傷害.
  3. 酯化維他命C (Ascorbyl Pamitate): 具有優異的抗氧化作用,捕捉不安定老化因子自由基, 促進皮膚基底層膠原蛋白的合成能力,有效防治色素沈澱, 抑制酪氨酸酶活性,還原麥拉寧黑色素,達到青春美白功效.
  4. 維他命E(Tocopheryl Acetate ): 可抓取活性大的自由基,捕捉反應性的O2,抗氧化、保濕、滋潤, 可以保護細胞膜維持角質緊密結合.
  5. 桑白皮Mulberry Extract:含氨基酸及黃鹼素,捕捉自由基,對於肌膚有抗氧化及白皙作用

DermCare White Perfect Essence 30ml

  1. 美白更要抗氧化: 以抑制酪胺酸酶活化補捉自由基離子還原黑色素達到成澄淨膚色效果.
  2. 添加美白成分維他命C衍生物(3-O-Ethyl Ascorbic Acid) 能修護暗沉美白肌膚
  3. 協同多種天然植物組合:桑白皮葡萄萃取虎耳草芍藥萃取,具抗發炎防止肌膚過敏更能與維他命C共同發揮美白作用
  4. 質地清爽不黏膩尤其適合日曬後容易色素沉澱肌膚

Contains various lightening agent which effectively lightens scars, freckles and uneven skin tone giving a fairer, smoother and uniform skin tone.

主要成分 & 功效说明:
  1. 維他命C衍生物(3-O-Ethyl Ascorbic Acid)新一代安定維他命C不易氧化幫住抑制酪氨酸脢活化滲透性好並促進膠原蛋白合成
  2. 桑白皮Mulberry Extract:抑制酪氨酸酶活化,含氨基酸及黃鹼素,捕捉自由基,對於肌膚有抗氧化及白皙作用
  3. 虎耳草Saxifrage Root Extract: 能抗氧化、美白
  4. 芍藥萃取Paeonia Albiflora Root Extract: 具抗氧化、美白及消炎作用
  5. 維他命E(Tocopheryl Acetate ): 可抓取活性大的自由基,捕捉反應性的O2,抗氧化、保濕、滋潤,可以保護細胞膜維持角質緊密結合
  6. 葡萄籽萃取Grape Seed Extract: 含高成分葡萄多酚,可預防自由基及細胞氧化功能
  7. 甘草酸鉀Dipotassium Glycyrrhizinate: 抗過敏成分可抑制白三烯素(leucotruene) ,減少組織胺(histamine)過敏物質,使皮膚舒緩降低敏感現象

Friday, November 26, 2010

DermCare明媚净白爽肤水 Revitalising Lotion With Daisy Flower Extract

 Revitalising Lotion With Daisy Flower Extract

* 调理肌肤,准备下一步更好地吸收养分
* 温和地磨去皮肤表层死皮,留下光滑透亮的皮肤
* 组织黑色素的生成,维持皮肤的美白度
* 清新舒爽,完美均衡,中和皮肤的酸碱度


* Conditions Skin after wash for better Nutrients absorption.
* Instanly lightens complexion through gentle exfoliation of dead cell on skin surface.
* Natural Daisy Extract lightens skin by controlling Melanin formation.
* Refreshes, Tones & Smoothes to its natural PH.

Radiant White Lotion let your skin replenish and maintain the optimal moisture balance after the cleansing routine. Delivering a generous supply of moisture, it restores the softness and elasticity that skin has lost. Together with the lightening effect of the natural Daisy Extract, it refreshes & tones the skin & allows the skin to restore to its natural PH.

DermCare Products
