Tuesday, October 26, 2010

DermCare特效美白深层洁肤胶 Deep Cleansing Gel With Green Tea Extract

DermCare Cleansing Gel With Green Tea Extract

Notification Number : NOT100900461K
特效美白深层洁肤胶 - 性质温和,能将深藏于毛孔,汗腺孔,油脂腺孔内的污垢和阻塞分解,且平衡油脂分泌,令"T"区油光不再,非一般洁肤品所能及。同时发挥三重修护功能,为软化角质层,令老化角质细胞早日蜕退;改善粉刺,黑头及暗疮印得以减淡,及含保湿因子,深锁水分免于流失。在深层洁肤过程中,会释放出美白因子,淡化斑点雀斑,暗哑蜡黄不均的肤色,都具显着效果,一经使用立显光泽嫩白。

Deep Cleansing Gel With Green Tea Extract - Unique and effective cleanser. It will deep and gently remove make-up and the impurities from the skin. Leaves your skin clean and fresh, lathes like soap but has no harsh irritants.

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